Producer and distributor of automotive and industrial lubricants

Tedex Antifreeze Koncentrat OT LL (G12/G12+)


Polska norma PN-C-40007:2000
ASTM D 3306
ASTM D 1384
STN 66 8910
MAN  324-SNF
VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda 774-D (G12)
VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda 774-F (G12+)
Ford ESE M97 B49-A
Ford WSS-M97B44-D
Ford ESD M97 B49-A
Chrysler MS 9176
VOLVO Reg. NDeutz/MWN 0199-2091 2 Auflage (C.W.) o 260
OPEL GM QL 130100
John Deere H 24 B1 and C1
MTU MTL 5048
Porsche Carrera, Boxster, Cayenne
Scania TI 02-98 0813 T/B/M sv
Renault  41-01-00

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Antifreeze concentrate based on environmentally friendly technology based on organic acids, without silicate, nitrate, nitrite or borate contents, which exhiibits anti-oxidizing, alkaline reserve stabilizing and anti-foaming properties. Contains a mixture of non-depleting, stable inhibitors with the function of providing high level of corrosion protection for all engine parts, such as radiators, water pump cylinder units/heads, made of aluminum alloys. Its lubricating properties guarantee extended water pump life.
is intended for year-round use in conventional and aluminum radiators of all types of vehicles equipped with cooling systems made of aluminum, copper and their alloys as a cooling and maintenance fluid.
Tedex Antifreeze Concentrate OT LL (G12/G12+) properly diluted protects all modern engines from frost, corrosion and overheating in cars, trucks and buses. Effectively protects cooling systems made of both iron and aluminum alloys.
 Never use undiluted clean concentrate for radiators. Follow the car manufacturer's recommendations for the recommended fluid change period.